Top 10 Best Pillows for Neck Pain You Didn’t Know Your Pillow Could Do for You

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10. Thin Pillows

10. Thin Pillows

Sleeping on your stomach usually feels comforting for other people. Belly sleepers should choose thinner pillows to keep your neck from being pushed too far back. This would cause neck pains from behind and maybe even an aching jaw line. Others may be comfortable with no pillows at all for their head, but you could use a thin pillow under your stomach to keep away lower back pains in the morning.


One Response

  1. Matthew Brown

    July 5, 2013 11:19 am

    Right now lots of people are suffering from neck pain related problem and you have provided very good information about all kind of pillows. Cervical pillows will help us in getting better naps without any pain in the morning.


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