Top 10 Natural Hair Growth Remedies That Will Not Dent Your Wallet


4. Lime Juice, Rosemary Essential Oil and Egg Yolks4. Lime Juice, Rosemary Essential Oil and Egg Yolks

This is a richer Ayuverdic home remedy for hair growth with the addition of egg yolks. In a glass bowl combine ΒΌ-teaspoon rosemary essential oil, three teaspoons lemon juice and two egg yolks. Stir the mixture until well blended and apply to the hair roots and the scalp, working the mixture into the scalp with a gentle massage for two to three minutes. Allow the mixture to work its magic for an additional 25 to 30 minutes before you rinse it off with cool water. Use a gentle shampoo and follow up with a moisturizing conditioner to complete the treatment. Hair should be allowed to dry naturally. As long as it does not irritate your scalp, you could use this mixture daily.


4 Responses

  1. rohit7896

    April 12, 2017 10:25 am

    Hair Loss is the best treatment of hair transplant and the latest procedure of hair transplant results after 4 to 5 weeks and look like a natural


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