
happy and beautiful women

happy and beautiful women

MmM Glaw Blog is the modern woman’s guide to fashion, health, beauty, and all things “sexy”. Written in Top 10-list style, MmM Glaw Blog offers the latest tips without all the marketing mumbo-jumbo.

From beauty home remedies to coolest make-up tips, our informative guides are the perfect companion for women of all ages. It’s like your favorite beauty magazine–only in steroids.


What We Do

We all know how it works. With a simple Google search, you can literally consume all health and beauty tips imaginable. In fact, there are thousands, if not millions, of self-proclaimed beauty gurus out there. And they’re all armed with loud, screaming blogs of their own.

But here’s the truth: Most of them are downright fluff.

For every “lipstick” advice you get comes an in-your-face promotion for a product you don’t even care about.

What you need is a genuine guide that offers more helpful information and absolutely no ho-hum advertising tactics. MmM Glaw Blog can provide you just that.


Our Mission

Our goal is clear: To empower women to live life to the fullest and enjoy every bit of their womanhood. We make this possible through extremely helpful resources written in a very conversational tone. Indulge in our Top 10 tips as if they’re coming from your good o’l gal pal.

We help women glow and stand out from the crowd.And MmM Glaw Blog do it in style.

Now you can turn your life from shabby to chic.

For questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us.


Photo credit: www.dailytelegraph.com.au


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