Top 10 Surefire Tips on How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

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10. Apply a topical solution with caffeine.

10 Apply a topical solution with caffeine.

It’s ironic. Drinking coffee (caffeine is a main ingredient) can keep you awake the whole night and give you eye bags in the morning but applying a caffeinated cream can help you get rid of it. Caffeine is a strong ingredient that could help tighten your under-eye skin by drawing water away. You can simply look for a caffeinated cream to apply directly onto the skin surrounding your eyes or you may also resort to putting cool and moist black teabags to your eyes and leave them on for five to ten minutes. Aside from incorporating caffeine into your beauty regimen, it is also important that you remember eliminating it in your diet. It is not just coffee but also sodas, chocolates, and teas. Caffeine taken orally will not only give you insomnia but can also aggravate your swelling symptoms.


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